Friday, April 1, 2016

We Love Our Facility!!

We expect each participating family who enters the building for any classes to give a $20 donation to Homestead United Methodist Church for the impact of using the facility.

We expect each participating family to sign a waiver of liability for the church in the interest in “guarding” the facility against liability for the privilege of using the facility  We also expect if your student or yourself should accidentally damage the facility that you will provide the funds and assistance working with the facility to repair/replace anything needed.

Waiver for the Facility of Homestead United Methodist Church (pdf version click here)
I understand my student and I will be participating in class/classes at Homestead United Methodist Church.
I absolve the Homestead United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Church of responsibility/liability of my child/children stated here:
If my child/children damages the facility for any reason I will contact the facility and pay for repairs needed.
